Wednesday 28 September 2011

4 Selected Briefs

Brief 1: Mexican Museum of Design
Brief 2: The Body Shop
Brief 3: Partners
Brief 4: TBC (D&AD or YCN)

Sunday 25 September 2011

Research Visit

First research visit of the third year with; Hazel Gage, Brady Miller, Sarah Frackleton and Sophie Herring! We bumped into fellow designers; Jonny Finch, Rob Green and Naomi Farrararar :)

Also accidentally dropped my camera so apologies for some of the images, the focus no longer works!

The Night and Day cafe... and the amazing book shop, Magma next door! Where a lot of us hammered our loans!

It was an enjoyable day, although the print fair was not quite what I was expecting, I found it to be a lot of illustration based work, for design's sake, rather than having a purpose... Although Amber has said in the past this type of work tends to sell! I did purchase a cool beer mat/business card, poster and a photo...

Cool photo from Alex Hoggarth- who was delighted at the prospect of us third years travelling from Leeds to the print fair!

Funny poster from Good Grief!

Awesome artwork on a building in the distance, it reminded me of Avatar.

A huge poster outside House of Fraser... how I would love to have a piece of work that big in a city!

Some cool type...

I first saw this Stella ad the other day on the way to Bradford Infirmary (visiting Jamie F) and loved it but I did not have a camera. Not only do I like the visual but the clever meaning especially how the men in the picture are supposed to represent the triple filtered and the smooth outcome is the woman... OR that's how I read it anyway.
Luckily I saw this in Manchester Victoria station when I was equipped with a camera...

Saturday 24 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

Proper Propaganda

A counter terrorism poster by the Met Police.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Rationale: Umbrella Statements

- A layout investigation of images with a focus on branding, identity and promotion.
- An image driven investigation of branding and identity with a focus on print and screen.
- A photographic investigation of branding/identity and promotion with a focus on motion graphics and print.
- An image driven investigation of branding, identity and promotion with a focus on motion graphics and print.
- A type and image driven investigation across print and screen based media with a focus on branding, identity and promotion.

Final (but not set in stone) statement:
- A layout driven investigation across print and screen based media with a focus on branding, identity and promotion.

by Venture Three

Rationale: Clarification

Things I Want To Do:

- Branding
- Identity
- Live briefs.
- Stay positive.
- More work placements.
- Enter competition briefs.
- Motion.
- Attend networking events.
- Create my own identity.
- Build a website.
- Print.

Things I Want To Achieve:

- Create a strong, professional portfolio.
- Get a job.
- More confidence in my work.
- A good grade in June.
- Get a set of contacts.
- A decent dissertation work.
- Learn more software.
- Learn Italian.
- Experiment more with After Effects.
- See my work professionally printed.

Rationale: Clarification

Thing I Want To Do:

- Book binding
- Illustration
- Web
- InDesign
- Presentation

- Advanced Print
- Drawing

- Award
- A First!
- Recognition
- More placements

Things I Need To Do:

- Negotitation (with client)
- Illustrator
- Photoshop
- After Effects
- Flash
- Image
- Type
- Punctuality
- Time Keeping

- Print
- Screen
- Layout

- Portfolio
- Own branding
- Website
- Business Cards
- Contact list

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Statement of Intent

The briefs I have selected support my interest in Branding and Promotional Campaigns. This is for both screen and print, and from previous briefs the two can go hand in hand, but I still don't feel quite as focused as I envisioned I would be in the third year, hence being stuck between screen and print.

I love the quality and tactile features of printed media, I like being able to hold my design and feel it in my hand. I like to create work that could be put on a wall like poster prints or kept like business cards, this is the kind of thing I have enjoyed creating in the past. But I equally like to see things move and transform, hence my love for screen!

I aim to start looking at After Effects more creatively and exploiting the program to my advantage, as in the second year I found After Effects was limiting my creative potential; I had the ideas in my mind, but I didn't know how to create them on screen. I have to learn to get past this and see my ideas through instead of changing my mind to something that's easier to do. Instead of dipping my toe in the ocean, I just have to dive in, it's now or never.
I need to improve my Illustrator skills too! Again, I have let Illustrator limit me, and I always used to use Photoshop, but this year it's all about the vectors!

I want to take advantage of the live briefs coming in to the studio - without getting myself too stressed! The opportunity to do this is really exciting, and great practice, at producing for a real client.

There is so much I would like to get out of this year, firstly, a good grade. A better than good grade. A strong portfolio that successfully communicates who I am as a designer. My own identity and branding, this way I can put myself out there and hopefully get some work. And more placements, not just with Urban Feather but a variety of places.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Thursday 1 September 2011