Thursday, 14 October 2010

Steptoes Dog Vintage Wares

This is a Vintage Shop in Leeds called Steptoes Dog Vintage Wares:
Steptoes Dog Antiques,164 Kirkstall Hill, Leeds,LS4 2SX,UK

The shop sells a range of vintage, retro and unique clothing, accessories for women, with a section for men and children too. Their are a variety of other items that can be bought (e.g. pottery, silverware, books, textiles). As well as a shop in Leeds, the items are available online too, there is a sister online site called Ninetynine gifts.
There is a blog which features posts on the latest items and developments in both ninetynine gifts and Step Toes and also a Facebook page where vintage events are posted up, and new items.

The most important part of this is the logos, visually different, but keeping the same font (Cooper Black Std.) and colour, keeps it uniform and recognisable, which is always useful for a brand, in terms of exposure and brand awareness. However, the two logos are significantly different, the first is the case of the type, ninetynine gifts is all lower case which makes it informal and tied in with the style of the font, which although it was produced in the early 20th century by Oswald Bruce Cooper, it does still have a contemporary feel to it. The roundness of the lettering gives it almost a fun feel and I think it suits the gift shop but not as much the shop itself. Although, the uppercase letters at the start of each word makes it a lot more formal, which in my opinion is a more suitable tone for a vintage shop.

The colours for the decoration in each logo are different, in the first example, there is the botanical design overlayed in a lighter grey which runs from the gap in the two words to the left of the words which gives flow to the text, which is split into two by the words Vintage Wares (in a marroon colour, which has a vintage effect) running through, I am not quite sure if this looks right, and it doesn't make me read the text in the order it should be in. The decoration for the gift shop logo is much more colourful and makes me think of party streamers and fun occasions, which suits a gift shop identity.

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